The Cellnex Foundation has supported these 14 startups since 2021, fulfilling its objective of promoting innovation and social entrepreneurship. 

Cellnex Bridge is an acceleration and support program for social impact startups working on reducing digital divides and environmental sustainability.

Learn more about the startups that have already participated in the program:

Nixi for Children

Foundation: 2019

Location: Barcelona

Sector: Health & Virtual Reality

1st edition (2021-2022)

What they do: Through virtual reality, they help patients reduce anxiety caused by the most challenging moments of medical treatments.

About Cellnex Bridge: “It is a program to consider for all social impact startups that want to launch a POC (Proof of Concept) with the support of great mentors, tailor-made training, and financial assistance. We were able to improve our product and find mentors who continue to support us years later.”


Foundation: 2020

Location: Tarragona

Sector: Sustainable Cities

1st edition (2021-2022)

What they do: A platform that connects municipalities and entities with citizens to create more united and democratic communities.

About Cellnex Bridge:Having a board of top mentors chosen to fit our challenges was a perfect gift for a startup that is taking its first steps.”


Foundation: 2020

Location: Valencia

Sector: Rural & Education

1st edition (2021-2022)

What they do: A cooperative that promotes projects for territorial revitalization, circular economy, and educational innovation.

About Cellnex Bridge:Cellnex Foundation supported us at a very early stage, and they have been the entity that has helped us the most during the project’s two years of existence. They opened our eyes and many doors”


Foundation: 2018

Location: San Sebastián

Sector: Health & Virtual Reality

2nd edition (2022-2023)

What they do: A platform with virtual reality content aimed at conducting well-being therapies and physical and cognitive stimulation with older adults.

About Cellnex Bridge: “It is the program that has contributed the most to us out of all the ones we have participated in”

– Jorge Maylin, co-CEO


Fundación: 2022

Ubicación: Barcelona

Sector: Recursos Humanos

2º edición (2022-2023)

A qué se dedican: Software para terminar con los sesgos de género, raciales y de edad que pueden incidir, de manera consciente o inconsciente, sobre los procesos de selección

Sobre Cellnex Bridge: “Nos ha gustado mucho que las formaciones no solo sean técnicas, también competenciales” 

– Marta Rodríguez, CEO 


Foundation: 2020

Location: Barcelona

Sector: Logistics and Transportation

2nd edition (2022-2023)

What they do: Operates autonomous drone transportation services for inaccessible environments, with the goal of improving efficiency, safety and faster deliveries.

About Cellnex Bridge: “Working with the mentors has been key for us in many ways”

– Eduardo Gómez, CEO


Foundation: 2016

Location: Barcelona

Sector: Health & Data

2nd edition (2022-2023)

What they do: A citizen data cooperative for health research. It provides a comprehensive solution for citizens to contribute to research in an anonymous, and secure manner.

About Cellnex Bridge:The advisory board is unbeatable. They have helped us with everything we needed”

 – Joan Guanyabens, Director


Foundation: 2019

Location: Barcelona

Sector: Technology & Sound

2nd edition (2022-2023)

What they do: AI-based technology developed to prevent risks, accidents, and provide users with real-time information wherever they are.

About Cellnex Bridge: “The program has helped us better identify our company’s needs, improve various areas, and conduct a proof of concept with a renowned entity”

– Enoc Armengol, CEO



Location: Lugo

Sector: AgroTech

2nd edition (2022-2023)

What they do: We solve problems in the rural world by assisting farmers and animals in their day-to-day activities with the aim of improving profitability and quality of life.

About Cellnex Bridge: “We are very grateful for the help in terms of dissemination and training that they have given us. And, of course, the support of the mentors has been decisive.” 


Foundation: 2014

Location: Barcelona

Sector: Education

3rd edition (2023-2024)

What they do: Company committed to assisting children in overcoming learning difficulties

About Cellnex Bridge:

“We are building a network of mentors and contacts that allow us to rely on years of experience from these individuals and help us set much more careful goals and actions, and understand much better the sectors in which we participate.”

Citizens Legal

Foundation: 2020

Location: Madrid

Sector: Legal

3rd edition (2023-2024)

What they do: It is a platform that helps migrants currently living in Spain without residence authorization to regularize their situation.

About Cellnex Bridge:

“We decided to join the program because we felt it was a perfect fit, being an impact-driven startup seeking to grow to expand the reach of its impact. With Cellnex’s help, we can continue to grow sustainably and gain the trust of more people.”


Foundation: 2018

Location: Madrid

Sector: Data Analytics & AI

3rd edition (2023-2024)

What they do: Company specialized in advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the mission of humanizing data technology, making it accessible, understandable, and useful for everyone.

About Cellnex Bridge:

“We were interested in promoting the development of the fire detection solution, which, from our point of view, is quite aligned with the program’s objectives and the foundation.”

Forest Chain

Foundation: Missing*

Location: Missing*

Sector: Digital Transformation & Blockchain

3rd edition (2023-2024)

What they do: Digital platform based on blockchain to ensure the traceability of wood, compliance with legal requirements, facilitate sustainable forest certification, and improve company management and productivity.

About Cellnex Bridge:

“It has provided us with a lot: ideas, development assistance, market analysis, collaboration with the agents involved in the program, hand in hand with Cellnex Bridge, its network of contacts, etc.”

Biofood Network

Foundation: 2018

Location: Toledo

Sector: Agroecology & Food

3rd edition (2023-2024)

What they do: Community of producers and stores of local organic products.

About Cellnex Bridge:

“From the exceptional quality help and expert advice from our mentors, to the opening to contacts with administrations, Chambers of Commerce, and other entities. But above all, the continuous, professional, and emotional support.” 

Would you like to participate in the fourth edition?

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